BattleTech Pods Return to OwlCon in Houston, Feb. 19-21, 2010
MechCorps’ Mobile Armor Division will be stationed in the Ley Student Center on the campus of Rice University in Houston, Texas during OwlCon XXIX “The Year We Make CONtact” on February 19-21, 2010.
In MechCorps’ prior deployments to OwlCon, new recruits were introduced to the exhilaration of piloting a 70-ton, 3-story tall robot armed to the teeth with lasers, missiles, cannons and all manner of weaponry to take on all foes… including friends. The Tesla II cockpits, featuring the BattleTech: Firestorm software, are fully enclosed military style simulators that feature 7 screens, over 90 control systems, and a 12 speaker surround sound system. When seated in the cockpit or ‘pod’, the player pilots their own walking tank known as a BattleMech onto the virtual landscape to compete for battlefield superiority with those seated in surrounding cockpits.
OwlCon is a dedicated gaming convention that features board and card games, miniatures (historical, fantasy, and sci-fi), role-playing games (tabletop and live action), related events (e.g., painting competition, movies) as well as the most beautiful arcade games: the BattleTech Pods. OwlCon is one of the longest running gaming conventions in Houston, if not in Texas. Student led and student run convention held in many buildings across the Rice University Campus. Admission is free for spectators, only if you want to participate does it require a convention pass.
MechCorps Entertainment, LLC is the largest independent operator of Virtual World Entertainment’s Tesla II BattleTech: Firestorm Cockpit Simulator Pods with it’s main base of operation in Houston, Texas. MechCorps’ Mobile Armor Division is the touring branch of MechCorps traveling to various conventions and other remote deployments across the United States. MechCorps Entertainment, LLC is a privately held company. Visit for more information.
Headquartered in Kalamazoo, Virtual World Entertainment is a leading supplier of high-end, centerpiece attractions to the location-based entertainment industry. Virtual World has produced and distributed cockpits since 1989. Virtual World Entertainment, LLC is a privately held company. Visit today at
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