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The Kewran Wolfhounds

As part of the Twenty-Fifth Arcturan Guard, Hauptmann Michael Guillaume’s Wolfhounds Company faces its first trial by fire on the raging battlefields of Great X.

The Pursuing Peregrines

Forged in the dawning years of the Jihad, Star Captain Ingried’s Binary of battle-hardened veterans seeks its own glory in his Clan’s latest war against the Lyran Alliance.

BattleTech Starter: Fist and Falcon brings players a new and exciting way to jump into the BattleTech universe. As conflict erupts anew on the Lyran-Falcon border during the early years of the Jihad, two untested commands clash. Including the brief history and personal dossiers of the members of these two forces, this PDF provides scenarios and special rules compatible with BattleTech games using Total Warfare and A Time of War, complete with record sheets for their ’Mechs and characters alike.

BattleTech Starter: Fist and Falcon (Buy From BattleShop)

BattleTech Starter: Fist and Falcon (Buy From DriveThruRPG)

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Person of Interest

Deadly aces can be dangerous wildcards on the modern battlefield. Whether they fight for money or for a cause, these lone warriors can often sway the tide of battle by simply choosing a side and joining the fray. Hidden on the world of Homestead before the war with Hasek’s forces, Sang-wei Jason Zaklan is one such warrior, an elite commando in service to the Celestial Throne. But when FedSuns mercenaries come calling ahead of schedule, and the local defenders resort to guerrilla war, will Zaklan risk his cover and fight them openly, or will he allow countrymen to die for the cause?

Jason Zaklan is one of many warriors who have emerged from the fires of war to join the ranks of the notable elite, forging his reputation and his destiny with the aid of his custom Ti Ts’ang. This dossier file provides players with the background and description of one of the BattleTech universe’s upcoming elites, complete with character and BattleMech record sheets suitable for play with Total Warfare and A Time of War: The BattleTech RPG. Bring Jason into the battles of the Youling Zhanshi (CAT# 35LP02A) for an even more legendary performance, or simply employ him in your own games as a valued ally—or a deadly foe.

BattleTech Dossiers – Jason Zaklan (Buy From BattleShop)

BattleTech Dossiers – Jason Zaklan (Buy From DriveThruRPG)

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Notable Warriors

Heroes, patriots, soldiers, freedom fighters. The universe is full of them, and every realm and military force—from the mightiest Successor State to the humblest mercenary band—has its share. In the Capellan Confederation, Sang-wei Arthur Chin and his detached lance of MechWarriors—the Youling Zhanshi must try to resist the Davion hordes on the world of Homestead. Do they have what it takes to become heroes of the Confederation, or will their mission be just another footnote in the annals of history?

BattleTech Dossiers: Youling Zhanshi describes a lance of notable MechWarriors from the Capellan Confederation, highlighting their warriors, their machines, and their abilities both on and off the battlefields of the late 31st century. This Lance Pack dossier file provides players with the background and descriptions of all four members of the Youling Zhanshi lance and a micro-campaign based on their exploits, complete with character and BattleMech record sheets suitable for play with Total Warfare and A Time of War: The BattleTech RPG .

BattleTech Dossiers: Youling Zhanshi (Buy From BattleShop)

BattleTech Dossiers: Youling Zhanshi (Buy From DriveThruRPG)


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