BattleTech 25th Anniversary Introductory Box Set Sells Out in 10 Days
Catalyst Game Labs has spent the last four years re-launching the BattleTech brand, with a slew of sourcebooks and an award-winning line of core rulebooks. The awareness of BattleTech is at a height not seen since the mid 90s, while the number of people returning or finding BattleTech for the first time continues to climb.
In anticipation of the return of the Introductory Box Set to print we increased our standard print run by more than 50%, confident the years of work and the continuing strength of the community would require a larger print run. Even our wildest expectations, however, could not match the demand. Barring copies set aside for Origins and Gen Con, we effectively sold out of the print run from the warehouse in 10 days!
We are extremely excited and humbled to be at the helm of BattleTech as it returns to such heights; a worthy legacy for such a seminal game.
A new print run is already under way (you can see a photo of the plotter proofs from the printer below), and we’ve more than doubled our standard print run to try and keep up with demand. Just as exciting, we’re coordinating with multiple foreign licensees to produce parts of the box set simultaneously as translations of the Introductory Box Set enters foreign markets for the first time in nearly a decade.
The reprint should be available on store shelves by the end of third quarter this year.
Look to for future announcements concerning this exciting development!