New BattleTech Street Dates
The following product Streeted JUNE 8th, 2011:

Technical Readout: 3058 Upgrade, reprint ($29.99)
In the 3050s, the discoveries of long-buried Star League records led to a plethora of new cutting-edge BattleMech and vehicle designs by the end of that decade, resurrected from the blueprints of design firms centuries old and thought lost to antiquity. Ten years later, these designs have moved from novelty to workhorse, as the Inner Sphere once more finds itself at war!
Fully updated to circa 3070, BattleTech Technical Readout: 3058 Upgrade launches these designs into the Jihad time frame, including notable MechWarriors/crews, as well as new variants. Additionally, a battle armor section has been included, providing full BattleTech stats, and updating the histories for these twenty venerable designs.
NOTE: This is a Catalyst-branded reprint, with a new cover and including all appropriate errata. No other changes have been made.
The following product has a Street Date of JULY 6th, 2011:

HexPack: Cities and Roads ($24.99)
Get onto the battlefield!
You’ve defeated your opponent across all the terrain that the BattleTech Introductory Box Set has to offer and now you want more worlds to conquer. Grab your dice and start rolling, because this product is for you!
HexPack: Cities and Roads is a flexible map system aid for the BattleTech game system. Designed for use in conjunction with other pre-printed mapsheets (such as those from the Introductory Box Set), the system’s flexibility allows for easy modifications to existing mapsheets, increasing the enjoyment of a given scenario as players quickly change the terrain to bring new excitement to each game they play! A booklet contains two ready-to-play scenarios, which include expanded play options such as clearing woods, buildings and additional weather conditions.
The following product has a Street Date of JULY 20th, 2011:

Era Report: 3062 ($24.99)
For three hundred years, the nations of the Inner Sphere waged war in the name of the fallen Star League, sending armies of MechWarriors into battle for glory and power. The arrival of the Clans, martial descendants of the lost Star League Defense Force, in 3049 upset all the previous balances of power and set the stage for cataclysmic warfare to rival the worst of the Succession Wars. The end of the initial Clan invasion and the new renaissance of military technologies leads the leaders of the Successor States to seek advantage against each other. The ever-present specter of the Clans urges desperation to end old feuds to make space for new ones. And the Truce of Tukayyid holds the Clans in check, but does nothing to ease the cultural pressures on both sides of the border.
Era Report: 3062 describes the state of the Inner Sphere and the Clans at a divisive period in BattleTech history: the latter years of the Clan Invasion. Presented as a general overview of the period, rather than a focused report on a single conflict, this book includes descriptions of many major Inner Sphere, Periphery, and Clan factions. Notable personalities, military forces, and an overview of the technological capabilities of the Inner Sphere and Clan powers of this critical period in history are also provided, along with special advanced-level rules for campaigns set in this era, whether played using the Total Warfare core rules or those found in A Time of War: The BattleTech RPG.